My Art

Welcome to Flaming Husky's Digital Art :)

If you want a request, feel free to PM me via forum.schoolofdragons, Here 
The form to fill out for a request is here: 

Requests closed.

Scroll down for future projects.

My First Digital Art :

Sand Wraith Flying v
Sand Wraith & Mouse v
v Practice Art v
Woolly Howl

Deadly Nadder

Unknown Species
(Fan Dragon)

Chase & Flamin Husky Pose                                                Speed Stinger                                           
Future Projects :
Stage 1 complete - Snow wraith

New Flaming Husky & Chase (Stage 1 Complete)

Redo Woolly Howl (Stage 1 Complete)
Zorro & Cassey pose (Starting Stage 1)
Cassey (Husky) - Stage 1 Complete (Needs Editing).

Sand Wraith outfit & viking (Flamin Husky)

Updated Version of my first Sand Wraith Design will also be made.
Woolly Howl Also will be Redone.


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